
About Us

Value, innovation and friendliness. Those are the key traits Motic has tirelessly worked to embody since it was founded in 1988.  It is through our passion for providing value, our boundless creativity, and our unwavering dedication to the customer,  that Motic has spent the last 35 years becoming a leading manufacturer of microscopy tools with over 2500 employees and offices all over the world. Today, we are proud to be able to call ourselves a trusted provider of affordable, quality microscopy solutions to thousands of government, industry, research and educational institutions all over the world.


Motic America Office
Motic America Office


Motic By The Numbers


> 1,000,000

specimens viewed through Motic Microscopes from soil samples to cell samples or PCB circuit boards. Motic provides quality resolutions for your microscopy needs

> 50,000

Microscopes sold every year worldwide. Motic microscopes can be found in all parts of the world.

> 5,000

Institutions served including government, education, research and industry.


With 35+ years manufacturing quality optical instruments, Motic is proud to say its products are trusted by leading scientific, educational and industrial organizations including:  

Certified to the Highest Standards


Contact Us


Tech Support Contact


End User Customer & Sales Support


Dealer & Partners Contact (For checking on dealer order status)

US Dealers
1-800-275-3716 (ext. 313)

Canada/Latin Dealers 