Motic Microscopes Objectives Buyers Guides

The objective is probably the most essential component of an optical microscope since it is crucial to primary image generation and has a significant impact on the image quality. Finding the ideal microscope objective for your needs can be challenging, as there are so many different kinds available.

Selecting the appropriate objective can boost the imaging capabilities of your microscope and result in more dependable outcomes for measurement and examination. Use Motic Microscopes Objectives Buyers Guides to help you find the objectives that best suits your application.

Find objectives compatible with your Motic Microscopes:
B Series BA Series Panthera Series PA Series PSM Series
AE Series SMZ Series SM7 Series GM Series K Series

Can't find the right objective? Contact us for a custom recommendation from our experts.

B Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
S-Plan Objective
Valid for: B Series
1101001706151 Semi-Planachromatic 4X 0.10 17.9mm / /
1101001706161 Semi-Planachromatic 10X 0.25 5.3mm / /
1101001706171 Semi-Planachromatic 40X 0.45 0.2mm / /
1101001706181 Semi-Planachromatic 100X 1.25 0.165mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
ASC Objectives
Valid for: B Series
1101001701582 Achromatic Super Contrast 4X 0.10 17mm / /
1101001701542 Achromatic Super Contrast 10X 0.25 6.4mm / /
1101001701562 Achromatic Super Contrast 40X 0.65 0.45mm Yes /
1101001701591 Achromatic Super Contrast 60X 0.85 0.1mm Yes /
1101001705791 Achromatic Super Contrast 100X 1.25 0.14mm Yes Oil

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BA Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Plan Phase Objectives (Lead free) - EC-H PL PH (Positive Phase)
Valid for: BA210S, BA210E, BA310E, BA410E Series 
1101001702911 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001702921 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.9mm / /
1101001702931 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.5mm Yes /
1101001402441 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.15mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Plan Phase Objectives (Lead free) - EC-H PL PH (Negative Phase)
Valid for: BA310E, BA410E Series
1101001703391 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001703401 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.9mm / /
1101001703411 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.5mm Yes /
1101001703421 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.15mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
EC Plan Achromat Objectives (Lead free) - EC PL
BA Objective - CCIS EC Plan Achromat objective 100X/1.25/S-Oil (WD=0.15mm) - (1101001703241) - Motic Microscopes
Valid for: BA210E, BA310E Series
1101001703211 Plan achromatic 4X 0.10 15.9mm / /
1101001703221 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001703611 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.9mm / /
1101001703231 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.5mm Yes /
1101001703621 Plan achromatic 60X 0.80 0.35mm Yes /
1101001703241 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.15mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
EC Plan Achromat Objectives - Strain-Free
BA310POL Objective - CCIS EC Plan 60X - (1101001703981) - Motic Microscopes
Valid for: BA310POL Series
1101001703941 Plan achromatic 4X 0.10 15.9mm / /
1101001703951 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001703961 Plan achromatic 20X 0.40 0.90mm / /
1101001703971 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.50mm Yes /
1101001703981 Plan achromatic 60X 0.80 0.35mm Yes /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
EC-H Plan Objectives (Lead free) - EC-H PL

Valid for: BA410E Series
1101001702941 Plan achromatic 2X 0.05 7.2mm / /
1101001702871 Plan achromatic 4X 0.10 15.9mm / /
1101001702881 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001401791 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.9mm / /
1101001401801 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.5mm Yes /
1101001702891 Plan achromatic 60X 0.80 0.35mm Yes /
1101001702901 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.15mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Plan UC Fluor Objectives
Valid for: BA410E Series
1101001705351 Plan achromatic Fluorite 4X 0.13 17.3mm / /
1101001705361 Plan achromatic Fluorite 10X 0.30 11.7mm / /
1101001705511 Plan achromatic Fluorite 20X 0.50 2.2mm / /
1101001705041 Plan achromatic Fluorite 40X 0.75 0.7mm Yes /
1101001705371 Plan achromatic Fluorite 100X 1.30 0.1mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective DIN Objective coverglass thickness  
LM Plan Achromat Objectives
Valid for: BA310MET Series
1101001704392 Plan achromatic 5X 0.13 20.3mm 45mm NCG
1101001704402 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.5mm 45mm NCG
1101001704601 Plan achromatic 20X 0.40 8.1mm 45mm NCG
1101001704611 Plan achromatic 50X 0.55 8.4mm 45mm NCG
1101001704512 Plan achromatic 100X 0.80 2mm 45mm NCG


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Panthera Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion
Plan UC Achromat Objectives (PB free)
1101001705191 Plan achromatic 2X 0.05 7.2mm / /
1101001705201 Plan achromatic 4X 0.1 30.5mm / /
1101001705211 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001705221 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.8mm / /
1101001705231 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.6mm Yes /
1101001705241 Plan achromatic 60X 0.8 0.35mm Yes /
1101001705251 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.16mm Yes Oil
1101001705261 Plan achromatic 100X 0.8 1.7mm Yes Dry
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion
Plan Phase Objectives
1101001706481 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001706491 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.8mm / /
1101001706501 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.6mm Yes /
1101001706511 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.16mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective DIN Objective Coverglass Thickness
Plan Achromat LD Objectives
1101000203611 Plan achromatic 5X 0.13 20.3mm 45mm NCG
1101000203621 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.5mm 45mm NCG
1101000203631 Plan achromatic 20X 0.4 8.1mm 45mm NCG
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A./ W.D. Objective DIN Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique
Plan Achromat BD Objective (M32)
1101000203661 Plan achromatic 5X / 45mm NCG Darkfield
1101000203671 Plan achromatic 10X / 45mm NCG Darkfield
1101000203681 Plan achromatic 20X / 45mm NCG Darkfield

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PA Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion
Plan UC Fluor Objectives
Valid for: PA43BIO, PA53BIO Series
1101001705351 Plan achromatic Fluorite 4X 0.13 17.3mm / /
1101001705361 Plan achromatic Fluorite 10X 0.30 11.7mm / /
1101001705511 Plan achromatic Fluorite 20X 0.50 2.2mm / /
1101001705041 Plan achromatic Fluorite 40X 0.75 0.7mm Yes /
1101001705371 Plan achromatic Fluorite 100X 1.30 0.1mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Plan UC Achromat Objectives (PB free)
Valid for: PA43BIO, PA53BIO Series
1101001705191 Plan achromatic 2X 0.05 7.2mm / /
1101001705201 Plan achromatic 4X 0.1 30.5mm / /
1101001705211 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001705221 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.8mm / /
1101001705231 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.6mm Yes /
1101001705241 Plan achromatic 60X 0.8 0.35mm Yes /
1101001705251 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.16mm Yes Oil
1101001705261 Plan achromatic 100X 0.8 1.7mm Yes Dry
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Plan Phase Objectives
Valid for: PA43BIO, PA53BIO Series
1101001706481 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.4mm / /
1101001706491 Plan achromatic 20X 0.45 0.8mm / /
1101001706501 Plan achromatic 40X 0.65 0.6mm Yes /
1101001706511 Plan achromatic 100X 1.25 0.16mm Yes Oil
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Spring Objective Immersion  
Semi-Apochromat - Objectives/Plan S-Apo BD
Valid for: PA53MET Series
1101000100401 Plan semi-apochromatic 5X 0.15 17.7mm / /
1101001707561 Plan semi-apochromatic 10X 0.30 12mm / /
1101001707421 Plan semi-apochromatic 20X 0.50 2.35mm / /
1101000203711 Plan semi-apochromatic 50X 0.80 1mm Yes /
1101001707161 Plan semi-apochromatic 100X 0.90 0.5mm Yes /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features  
Extra Long Working Distance Objectives - Standard
Valid for: PA53MET Series
1101001700072 Plan apochromat 5X 0.14 34mm NCG /
1101001700032 Plan apochromat 10X 0.28 33.5mm NCG /
1101001700042 Plan apochromat 20X 0.42 20mm NCG /
1101001700062 Plan apochromat 50X 0.55 13mm NCG /
1101001700021 Plan apochromat 100X 0.80 3mm NCG /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features  
Extra Long Working Distance  Objectives - Parfocality Adjustable
Valid for: PA53MET Series
1101001700181 Plan apochromat 5X 0.14 34mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
1101001700112 Plan apochromat 10X 0.28 33.5mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
1101001700122 Plan apochromat 20X 0.42 20mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features  
Ultra Long Working Distance  Objectives 
Valid for: PA53MET Series
1101001700092 Plan apochromat 50X 0.42 20.5mm NCG /
1101001700082 Plan apochromat 100X 0.55 13mm NCG /

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PSM Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features
Extra Long Working Distance  Objectives - Standard
Valid for: PSM1000 Series
1101001700052 Plan apochromat 2X 0.055 34mm NCG /
1101001700072 Plan apochromat 5X 0.14 34mm NCG /
1101001700032 Plan apochromat 10X 0.28 33.5mm NCG /
1101001700042 Plan apochromat 20X 0.42 20mm NCG /
1101001700062 Plan apochromat 50X 0.55 13mm NCG /
1101001700021 Plan apochromat 100X 0.80 3mm NCG /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features  
Extra Long Working Distance  Objectives - Parfocality Adjustable
Valid for: PSM1000 Series
1101001700141 Plan apochromat 2X 0.055 34mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
1101001700181 Plan apochromat 5X 0.14 34mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
1101001700112 Plan apochromat 10X 0.28 33.5mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
1101001700122 Plan apochromat 20X 0.42 20mm NCG Parfocality Adjustment
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Features  
Ultra Long Working Distance  Objectives
Valid for: PSM1000 Series
1101001700092 Plan apochromat 50X 0.42 20.5mm NCG /
1101001700082 Plan apochromat 100X 0.55 13mm NCG /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique  
NIR Objectives
Valid for: PSM1000 Series
1101001703531 Plan apochromat 20X 0.4 20.5mm NCG Infrared
1101001703541 Plan apochromat 50X 0.42 19mm NCG Infrared

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AE Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique
Plan Achromatic Objectives - PL
Valid for: AE31E, AE2000 Series
1101001707101 Plan achromatic 4X 0.1 12.6mm 1.1 /
1101001703271 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 16.8mm 1.1 /
1101001703251 Plan achromatic 20X 0.3 4.7mm 1.1 /
1101001703261 Plan achromatic 40X 0.5 3.0mm 1.1 /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique  
Plan Achomatic Phase Objectives - PL PH
Valid for: AE31E, AE2000 Series
1101001703281 Plan achromatic 4X 0.10 12.6mm NCG Phase contrast (Positive)
1101001703091 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 4.1mm 1.1 Phase contrast (Positive)
1101001703102 Plan achromatic 20X 0.3 4.7mm 1.1 Phase contrast (Positive)
1101001703112 Plan achromatic 40X 0.5 3mm 1.1 Phase contrast (Positive)
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique  
LM Plan BD Objectives - Brightfield and Darkfield Observation
Valid for: AE2000MET Series
1101001704241 Plan achromatic 5X 0.13 17.3mm NCG Darkfield
1101001704251 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 16.3mm NCG Darkfield
1101001704261 Plan achromatic 20X 0.4 7.3mm NCG Darkfield
1101001704271 Plan achromatic 50X 0.55 7.2mm NCG Darkfield
1101001704801 Plan achromatic 100X 0.80 1.7mm NCG Darkfield
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective N.A. Objective W.D. Objective Coverglass Thickness Objective Contrast Technique  
LM Plan Objectives - Brightfield Observation
Valid for: AE2000MET Series
1101001704391 Plan achromatic 5X 0.13 20.3mm NCG /
1101001704401 Plan achromatic 10X 0.25 17.5mm NCG /
1101001704411 Plan achromatic 20X 0.4 8.1mm NCG /
1101001704421 Plan achromatic 50X 0.55 8.4mm NCG /
1101001704511 Plan achromatic 100X 0.8 2mm NCG /

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SMZ Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective W.D. Eyepiece ESD Treatment
Auxiliary Objective
Valid for: SMZ-160 Series
1101001708251 Achromatic 0.35X 287mm /
1101001708261 Achromatic 0.5X 165mm /
1101001708271 Achromatic 0.75X 120mm /
1101001708281 Achromatic 1.5X 47mm /
1101001708291 Achromatic 2X 30mm /
Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective W.D. Eyepiece ESD Treatment
Auxiliary Objective
Valid for: SMZ-171 Series
1101001703651 Achromatic ESD 0.3X 301mm ESD
1101001703821 Achromatic ESD 0.5X 191.8mm ESD
1101001703661 Achromatic ESD 0.63X 142.7mm ESD
1101001703811 Achromatic ESD 0.75X 128.6mm ESD
1101001703671 Achromatic ESD 1.5X 56.3mm ESD
1101001703681 Achromatic ESD 2X 38.6mm ESD

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SM7 Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective W.D.
Valid for: SM7 Series
1101011700151 Plan Apochromatic 1X 81mm
1101011700141 Plan achromatic 1X 90mm
1101011700161 Plan achromatic 0.5X 198.5mm
1101011700171 Plan achromatic 2X 33.5mm

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GM Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective W.D. Eyepiece ESD Treatment
Auxiliary objective
Valid for: GM-171 Series
1101001703671 Achromatic ESD 1.5X 56.3mm ESD
1101001703681 Achromatic ESD 2X 38.6mm ESD

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K Series

Model SKU Code Objective Type Objective Magnification Objective W.D.
Achromat objective
Valid for: K-400 Series
1101001701711 Achromat 0.5X 194mm
1101001700752 Achromat 0.3X 236mm
1101001700672 Achromat 0.5X 148mm
1101001700801 Achromat 0.625X 111mm
1101001701642 Achromat 1.5X 59mm
1101001700712 Achromat 2X 25mm

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